Roof Tropixx Media has announced that starting this Thursday 03 March 2022, Dr. Reynolds will be hosting his very own talk show, Conversations with Dr. Anderson Reynolds, every Thursday morning, 9 to 10 AM, at www.rooftropixx.com/r. The show will present listeners with in-depth discussions on St. Lucian art and culture, the pressing social, political, economic, and developmental issues confronting the country, and how the diaspora and St. Lucians at home can work together to bring about meaningful, mutually beneficial change.
According to celebrated media presenter and founder of Roof Tropixx Media, Russell Lake, the station is fortunate to have Dr. Reynolds onboard because it would have been hard-pressed to find another St. Lucian personality as well equipped to converse on these issues.
For example, regarding art and culture, over the past two decades, Dr. Reynolds has been actively involved in the promotion of St. Lucian culture and cultural creators, the staging of musical, literary, and other cultural events, the management and nurturing of artists and bands, the production of music, and the publication of books and magazines.

In recent years, Dr. Reynolds has emerged as one of St. Lucia’s most prominent and prolific writers and one of its leading public intellectuals. So far, he has five books published, including the two novels Death by Fire (2001) and The Stall Keeper (2017), the creative non-fiction The Struggle for Survival: an historical, political, and socioeconomic perspective of St. Lucia, the memoir My Father Is No Longer There (2019), and the political treatise No Man’s Land: A Political Introspection of St. Lucia (2021). And he has announced that his sixth book, They Called Him Brother George: Portrait of a Caribbean Politician (2022), will be published later this year.
Dr. Reynolds’ books have received critical acclaim and are among the bestselling of St. Lucian books. Death by Fire was the winner of the 2001 M&C main prize for literature; The Struggle for Survival won a 2003 M&C prize for prose, and The Stall Keeper was the winner of the 2012 CDF National Arts Award for Prose.
Dr. Reynolds’ writing hasn’t been confined to just books. He has written and published a plethora of topical and substantive newspaper and Jako Magazine articles on a wide range of social, cultural, economic, and political issues. And like his books, his journalistic pieces have received critical acclaim. His newspaper articles won him a 2001 M&C literature award and a 2005 CDF National Arts Award, and his writings for The Jako won a 2006 CDF National Arts Award.

Regarding societal and development issues, Dr. Reynold’s writings have been characterized as capturing the essence of St. Lucian society and providing readers with deep insights into where St. Lucians come from, who they are as a people, and how they became who they are. His books and journalistic pieces have established him as a foremost authority on St. Lucia’s socioeconomic and political history.
Regarding the St. Lucian diaspora, through his 20-year sojourn in North America, first as a university student and then as a corporate economist with Southwestern Bell, part of which time serving as the president of the St. Louis Caribbean Association, Dr. Reynolds has gained an intimate understanding and appreciation of the concerns and dispositions of the St. Lucian diaspora.

In 2017 and 2018, he embarked on an international book tour that took him to London, Toronto, New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Washington DC, and Hartford Connecticut. The interactions with St. Lucians the tour afforded allowed him to gain deeper insights into the sensibilities of the diaspora and impressed upon him the importance of treating St. Lucia and the diaspora as one continuous cultural and economic space and the synergetic value of at-home St. Lucians working together with their diaspora counterparts.
Operating from Russell’s Rooftop on top of Mon Doudon, Castries, St. Lucia, RoofTropixx Media is an internet-based broadcast service that now offers radio and soon will offer television as well. According to Russell Lake, while heedful of its domestic audience, the station was conceived to specifically target the St. Lucian diaspora and to strengthen linkages between St. Lucians living at home and those residing overseas. As such, the station plans to regularly showcase both diaspora and on-island happenings.

Roof Tropixx Media invites St. Lucians at home and abroad and the world at large to tune in to the station at www.rooftropixx.com/r on Thursday 24 February at 9 AM to welcome Dr. Reynolds on his virgin flight of conversations with Dr. Anderson Reynolds. But the station has issued a warning to make sure your seatbelt is well-fastened for Dr. Reynolds’ very first guest on this very first show episode is none other than St. Lucian cultural icon and esteemed poet, novelist, and dramatist, McDonald Dixon, considered St. Lucia’s most complete artist, who has just launched his newly published, history-making crime mystery novel A Scream in the Shadows that is already attracting praise from readers and critics alike.
About Dr. Reynolds
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