Dr. Reynolds would like to thank his readers at home and abroad, St. Lucians and Non-St. Lucians alike, for their bountiful support and encouragement throughout his 2017/2018 book tour. The warmth and appreciation he received on his tour will surely serve as a motivation for him to continue giving expression to our culture, and relating, interpreting, and synthesizing the history of this beautiful and magical land of ours.
Please look out for Dr. Reynolds’ next book, My Father Is No Longer There, a memoir sparked by his father’s untimely death to be published in 2019. With the publication of My Father Is No Longer There, and as part of a continuing effort to share and reach as wide an audience as possible, Dr. Reynolds will be embarking on another international tour.
Meantime, don’t forget that Dr. Reynolds’ books, all of which are award-winning and best selling, would make excellent season gifts. They are available on amazon both as ebooks and printed books.
For physical outlets in St. Lucia and North America please visit https://www.jakoproductions.com/retail-outlets-jako-books/.

For those of you in St. Lucia, we are pleased to inform you that Dr. Reynolds and multiple, award-winning poet Modeste Downes will be conducting a book signing at Rituals, next to Caribbean Cinemas, Choc, Castries, this Saturday 15 December, 9AM to 4PM. So please drop by and chat with the authors and have your books autographed.
Also, please note that 758 Books, St. Lucia’s premiere general audience bookstore, has moved to Sunny Acres at Gablewoods Mall, and will be having its grand opening Saturday, December 15, 2018.