More From Jakoproductions Jane King: The Leading Voice of a Generation of West Indians Jane King: The Leading Voice of a Generation of West Indians CDF Announces The 2018 Derek Walcott Memorial Lecture Sir Derek Walcott Memorial Lecture entitled “A Playwright’s Journey from Castries to Boston and Back” by Ms. Kate Snodgrass the Artistic Director of the Boston … Book Signing by Dr. Anderson Reynolds As part of reading month celebrations, Dr. Anderson Reynolds will be conducting a book signing this Saturday 11 May from 10AM to 3PM at 758 … About The Author Anderson Reynolds
Jane King: The Leading Voice of a Generation of West Indians Jane King: The Leading Voice of a Generation of West Indians
CDF Announces The 2018 Derek Walcott Memorial Lecture Sir Derek Walcott Memorial Lecture entitled “A Playwright’s Journey from Castries to Boston and Back” by Ms. Kate Snodgrass the Artistic Director of the Boston …
Book Signing by Dr. Anderson Reynolds As part of reading month celebrations, Dr. Anderson Reynolds will be conducting a book signing this Saturday 11 May from 10AM to 3PM at 758 …