From The Publisher
George William Odlum (1934-2003) was regarded as a colossal Caribbean leader, one of the region’s best orators, and one of its most charismatic and controversial politicians. They Called Him Brother George: Portrait of a Caribbean Politician captures from multiple perspectives the political, artistic, and personal life of this Caribbean “hero.” The book highlights the public’s fascination, mystification, love, hate, and appreciation of George Odlum, and their opinions on his place in St. Lucian and world history. It is a testament to how the nature and culture of Caribbean politics impact the region’s social and economic development.
Praise for They Called Him Brother George
“A very engaging and excellent summary of our political history … a wonderful reconstruction of George Odlum’s life from the people who knew him best.”
—Samuel Bowers, author of Talking Truth to Saint Lucian Power
“A historical and political masterpiece…visionary, most enlightening and superbly written…Brother George’s standing in St. Lucian politics bared and amplified to great depths…I have learnt so much about Brother George. He is indeed a national hero!”
—Clive Sankardayal, author of The Brown Curtains and Crimson Sunsets
“A very comprehensive book on the life and times of George Odlum … have captured everything worth noting about this truly great patriot and outstanding Saint Lucian and Caribbean Statesman par excellence.”
— Cassius Elias, former cabinet minister & author of Enough is Enough
“A powerful yet humorus narrative of a Caribbean leader’s epic journey of fighting for the economic empowerment of the working man and the eradication of political corruption.”
—Verna Cyril, author of Heart Of A Slave
“A weighty book…a vast memorial of George Odlum … a valuable collection of primary historical sources…adds several layers of critical analysis and hypothesis… a kind of communal catharsis…(above all) portrays the political coming-of-age of Odlum’s cohort.”
—Dr. Jolien Harmsen, author of A History of St. Lucia, Rum Justice, & Sugar, Slavery and Settlement
“A tremendous accomplishment…Dr. Reynolds displayed versatility and style, his prose is smooth, elegant, even disposing, but sympathetic and respectful…”
Dr. Kenny D Anthony, former prime minister of St. Lucia and author of At the Rainbow’s Edge